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Bibliográfica (CIB)


The (formal) return to openness : a quantitative contribution to the history of economic thought

  En: Journal of Applied Economics. -- Vol. 16, no. 2 (nov., 2013). --
Buenos Aires :

Universidad del CEMA

, . --

  We develop a comprehensive quantitative account of changing practices in economics in the last 122 years. The analysis uses word detection algorithms to partially characterize prevailing practices. We document a shift toward isolation from other disciplines during most of the twentieth century. In sharp contrast, the most recent decades show a strong move towards a more connected discipline. Periods of more connectedness are associated with openness to a broader set of features of economic agents and the economic environment. In parallel, the 1960s and 1970s show a notable acceleration in the move towards a more mathematical approach. This development did not reverse. As a result, the current state of the discipline is characterized by an embrace of mathematical tools together with openness to a wider set of aspects and findings developed in other disciplines. Most of the reported variables show surprisingly high correlations across disciplines and across journals. An online appendix is available.
  ISSN: 15140326

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  (3) Inv.: 06095 S.T.: PP-J
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"Doctor Juan Bautista Alberdi"
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The (formal) return to openness : a quantitative contribution to the history of economic thought
En: Journal of Applied Economics. -- Vol. 16, no. 2 (nov., 2013). -- Buenos Aires : Universidad del CEMA, 2013

We develop a comprehensive quantitative account of changing practices in economics in the last 122 years. The analysis uses word detection algorithms to partially characterize prevailing practices. We document a shift toward isolation from other disciplines during most of the twentieth century. In sharp contrast, the most recent decades show a strong move towards a more connected discipline. Periods of more connectedness are associated with openness to a broader set of features of economic agents and the economic environment. In parallel, the 1960s and 1970s show a notable acceleration in the move towards a more mathematical approach. This development did not reverse. As a result, the current state of the discipline is characterized by an embrace of mathematical tools together with openness to a wider set of aspects and findings developed in other disciplines. Most of the reported variables show surprisingly high correlations across disciplines and across journals. An online appendix is available.
ISSN: 15140326


(3) Inv.: 06095 S.T.: PP-J