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In defense of public debt [recurso electrónico] / Barry Eichengreen

  En: Ensayos Económicos [recurso electrónico]. -- no. 79 (mayo, 2022). -- , . --

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Modo de acceso: World Wide Web. PDF.
Descripción basada en la visualización del recurso el 16/7/2024
Disponible en: https://www.bcra.gob.ar/Institucional/DescargaPDF/DownloadPDF.aspx?Id=1040

  I offer a balanced view of the benefits and risks of public debt issuance. The role of public debt in mobilizing resources to meet national emergencies is a historical constant, most recently illustrated by the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this emergency response also leaves a legacy. I reflect on the prospects for debt consolidation and on how governments should meet the challenge of managing public debt now as we enter a period of higher global interest rates. (This article is based on the presentation made by the author at the 2021 Monetary and Banking Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina).
  ISSN: 18506046

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Eichengreen, Barry
In defense of public debt [recurso electrónico] / Barry Eichengreen
En: Ensayos Económicos [recurso electrónico]. -- no. 79 (mayo, 2022). -- Buenos Aires : Banco Central de la República Argentina, 2016

Incl. ref.
Incl. graf.
Modo de acceso: World Wide Web. PDF.
Descripción basada en la visualización del recurso el 16/7/2024
Disponible en: https://www.bcra.gob.ar/Institucional/DescargaPDF/DownloadPDF.aspx?Id=1040

I offer a balanced view of the benefits and risks of public debt issuance. The role of public debt in mobilizing resources to meet national emergencies is a historical constant, most recently illustrated by the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this emergency response also leaves a legacy. I reflect on the prospects for debt consolidation and on how governments should meet the challenge of managing public debt now as we enter a period of higher global interest rates. (This article is based on the presentation made by the author at the 2021 Monetary and Banking Conference of the Central Bank of Argentina).
ISSN: 18506046
